VB - 2

trunc 函数的使用

trunc 函数的使用

主要功能:将数字的小数部分截去,返回整数。 语法功能:TRUNC(number,num_digits)。其中 Number为需要截尾取整的数字;Num_digits是用于指定取整精度的数字。Nu...
how to format date/time to string[vbs]

how to format date/time to string[vbs]

代码如下: Function Format_Time(s_Time, n_Flag) Dim y, m, d, h, mi, s Format_Time = "&quo...
Read/Update INI configration file function[VBS]

Read/Update INI configration file function[VBS]

'读取ini配置文件里的信息 '参数为ini文件路径,读取的key值 代码如下: Function GetLastRunSave(strPath,strKeyName) Dim FSO,...
How to use popup method [vbs]

How to use popup method [vbs]

'Popup method: Displays text in a pop-up message box. 'intButton = object.Popup(strText,[nSeconds...
This sub move the cursor to the specified position for Pcom session[VBS]

This sub move the cursor to the specified position for Pcom session[VBS]

write this script just want to simplify our daily work, you can just copy and change it for your ...