How to Tell What Ports Are Open on Your PC and iSeries

时间:2016-06-16 ┊ 阅读:2,236 次 ┊ 标签: 经验 , 系统 , 配置

Many times you read about a virus or Trojan horse that listens on a specific port on your PC, and you are warned to check that port to see if it is open. The only trouble is that, most of the time, the folks telling you to check those ports never bother telling you how to check them.
So how do you tell which ports are open? On your PC, click the Windows Start button. On the Run menu item, enter CMD on Windows 2000 and XP systems; enter Command on Windows 98 and Millennium Edition systems. Then click the OK box.
Next, type in the DOS command NETSTAT –a. This will display all open ports on your system.
On the iSeries, you can achieve the same results using the NETSTAT command from an OS/400 command line and then selecting option 3 from the resulting menu.

actually, netstat is command WRKTCPSTS on as/400, its full name is Work with TCP/IP Network Status.

things list as below:
Remote Remote Local
Address Port Port Idle Time State

  •            *          ftp-con >  010:54:09  Listen
  •            *          telnet     000:29:12  Listen
  •            *          smtp       010:53:23  Listen
  •            *          tftp       010:53:04  *UDP  







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